Monday, July 9, 2012

It's A Great Day To Be Alive

It's Monday.  When means I need some motivation.  So today, how about some Travis Tritt's It's A Great Day To Be Alive!  Just read the lyrics to the chorus. 

And it's a great day to be alive
I know the sun's still shinin when I close my eyes
There's some hard times in the neigborhood
But why can't every day be just this good?

We have to remember that no matter what we are going through, each day is a gift.  And aren't we glad we get to live it?  I know times might be hard, but at least we can find the positive in each moment.

I know on my drive into work this morning I was so mad at all the cars around me.  Why can't they drive the speed limit and not 20 under?  Why are they slamming on their breaks when no one is in front of them?  All the things that are easy to get mad about.  But when I look at another perspective, what if God was trying to keep me safe?  Here I am getting mad at all these other cars, but it could have been God keeping me from being at a certain place a minute earlier.  What if He was saving my life?

It makes me look at life a little differently.  I'm grateful to be alive.  Even if that means having to be behind the slowest driver in Nashville...I'm thankful He still has me here on earth!

So moral of this story...or well, song...  Enjoy every moment that God gives you breath to live.  Find the positives among all the negatives in your life.  Dwell on the positives and you will be much happier.

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