Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Mountains to Climb

I think we all go through hard times in life.  Times where we have to learn to find ourselves.  Times where we have to do things on our own.  We tend to try new things until we learn what we really love and what we need to do to achieve it.  Lonestar's song Mountains really puts it into perspective.  We are always climbing a mountain to reach the goal.  But in our climb, there's always a tree limb in the way or there's a loose rock.  There's always something hindering us from reaching the top.  But we can't take our eyes off of the goal.  If we do, we loose sight of where we are and we wonder aimlessly trying to piece it all together. 

Sometimes that goal could be changed along the way.  Some of those tree limbs in our climb can make us see something we have never seen before.  It can set us on a completely different path, but we still have to climb to the top of that mountain.  It just doesn't always have to be the climb we dreamed of.  In every step of the way, we are finding ourselves.  Finding who we truly are.  Finding where we belong in this world.  Finding our passion in life.  Finding who we are meant to be with.  Finding who we are meant to be without.  Finding who to trust.  Finding strengths and weakness in ourselves.  Finding people that are meant to be in our lives to help shape them.  Finding love.  Finding happiness.  Finding our joy.  Finding you have room in your heart to love something you never thought you could.  Finding peace within ourselves.  Finding patience.  Finding hope.

Read the words of this chorus:
There are times in life when you gotta crawl,
Lose your grip, trip and fall
When you can't lean on no one else,
That's when you find yourself
I've been around and I've noticed that
Walkin's easy when the road is flat
Them danged 'ole hills will get you every time.
Yeah, the good Lord gave us mountains so we could learn how to climb

God did give us these mountains so we can learn who we really are.  Let's put on our climbing shoes and see where this mountain of life takes us!

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