Sunday, August 19, 2012

Yard Sale Saturday

I'm so sorry this post is late.  My poor grandparents have some backwoods Internet service that wouldn't let me do anything.  However, I discovered what yard sales and estate sales were like in Mississippi.  

My mom and I took my Nanny with us so she could see how much fun we have on Saturday mornings.  I don't think she had as much fun as we did.  We knew my Pa didn't really want us going too far from the house, so I did as much research as I could to keep us close by.  The first place we went was an Estate Sale.  Let me just use the word "awkward" to describe it.  As we were going through the house, in the master bedroom, there was a table filled with magazines....not just any magazines....Playboy magazines.  Tons and tons of them.  My Nanny looked back at me and said "That's not good stuff...we need to tell people that's not good stuff."  haha  After that, we discovered that ever book in the house was on a related topic with the magazines.  It was all I could do to just get out of there.  I just felt awkward even being in the house.  

We then started finding tons of yard sales.  There wasn't too many great one, but we did find one with lots of wood stuff!  

This looks like its a shoe rack, but I might make it into some other kind of rack.  I haven't decided yet.  I paid $2 for it.

These were just too cute.  I paid $1 each. 

As we left this yard sale, I saw a broken chair on the side of the road by a trash can that I loved!!  I could used the pieces of it for something!  I went to get out of the car to get it, but my Nanny thought I needed to go ask the people in the house if I could have it.  Forget that!  So I just left it on the side of the road.  And yes, I'm very much regretting it.  

Then, we went to another sale and I didn't really find that much.  As I was leaving I saw a shelf of games.  Ahhh!!!  There it was.  They had 2 Scrabble games!  I needed the Scrabble letter pieces for a project I'm working on it.  I only paid a $1 for each game!!!

We then went to another estate sale where I found a few little goodies.  I found a cute little glass globe, a tin plate, and a few fabric pieces that are just the right size to make pillows out of!  They just wanted $1 for all of it!!

After getting back to my Nanny and Pa's house, I saw this super cute sewing stool and fell in love with it.  She told me to take it with me since she didn't use it.  I can't wait to redo the top of this and make this something super special in my house!

Also, a while back while before they had all their bamboo in the back yard cut down, I cut down some on my own for a fun project!  I FINALLY brought it home today!!!  Isn't it pretty?!?!

So there you have it!  There were my fun finds this weekend!!  

I'd love to hear your ideas of what to do with any of it!!

Did you find anything good this weekend?!


  1. Pretty sure that the very first item is a quilt rack.

    1. I thought that too, but it's a little different that most quilt racks. And it's pretty low to the ground. The way it's made, it looks like a shoe rack.
