Friday, September 28, 2012

Sadie Lou's Vet Visit

Wednesday Sadie Lou went to see Dr. Benner at Village Vet in Mt. Juliet.  She was such a brave little girl.  During the visit, she got microchipped.

On a side note...have you seen the needle they use to do the microchip??  It just made me hurt!!  But Sadie Lou didn't even flinch.  She's one tough cookie.

He also checked her out to make sure she was healthy and to see what any issues could be.  Dr. Benner noticed a few things.  First off, he said that she wasn't as malnourished as she could be.  That was amazing news!!!! 

With every good news, there's bad too.  She had some puffiness around her eye and she's having to take Benadryl for it.  Then she has a tender spot on her leg.  She keeps licking it.  When he felt of it, he said he's pretty sure that leg was broken at some point and no one ever fixed it.  He gave us an antihistamine for that.  Then he noticed that her knee caps were permanently dislocated.  This is why she's bow legged.  He said that was the only comfortable way for her to walk.  Needless to say, if she gains weight, the knees are going to be a big issue and surgery might be necessary.  Sadie also has a skin allergy and she has to be bathed twice a week with shampoo with no soap.  (Yes, they do make this...and I use it for Daisy too!!) 

Currently, Sadie Lou is taking an antihistamine twice a day, a supplement twice a day and Benadryl twice a day.  However, she's in great spirits.  Such a sweet little girl. 

If you are interested in helping out with her medical expenses or any other Boston in the Southern Cross Boston Terrier Rescues medical expenses, please go to their website and donate.  Or come to the Boston Tea Party on October 20, 2012 at Edwin Warner Park in Nashville, TN from 10am - 4pm.  Lunches are $6 a person and there will be plenty of silent auction items to bid on.  All proceeds from the silent auction will go towards the medical expenses of these Boston's.

We've saved a life by getting them out of a shelter, but several of them have such a long road to go.  Any monetary help is extremely appreciative.

Thank you in advance!

And keep checking back for more updates on Sadie Lou!!!

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