Monday, April 8, 2013

Tucker Taught Me Life Lessons

I taught Tucker many things, but he managed to teach me so much.  From the beginning, this wasn't a match made in Heaven.  Or so I thought...  

He was wild.  An out of control puppy that didn't like to mind.  Completely opposite from any personality I had had to deal with so far.  But the trials I had to go through with him made me so much stronger.  Just like a difficult co-worker with a personality completely different from our own.  Usually by the time we're done with the difficult situation, we've had to learn to change our personality to be stronger and face the situation head on.  

With Tucker, I had to change my attitude.  I couldn't JUST show him love.  I had to show him discipline.  I had to be hard on him at times.  But in the end, he still loved me.  Why?  Because discipline and structure were exactly what he needed.  He craved it.  

I learned from The Dog Counselor that I don't want my dog to be that bratty child that is never made to mind.  I want my dog to be the dog that everyone wants to be around.  The only way that happens is by discipline and structure.  

Sometimes I wonder if God is preparing me for kids.  Before fostering, I knew I needed to discipline, but I didn't always do it.  I thought just loving these sweet dogs was more important.  But I've learned and am still learning how to correctly discipline so they know they are still loved.  Just like kids. 

When Tucker was adopted Saturday, I had a hard time.  Why?  Because I watched him grow so much.  He turned into this wonderful member of the family.  The tears kept coming.  I know he's going to the perfect home for him.  But it doesn't go without saying that he'll be missed more than I can imagine.  

Coming home from work last night and not having that sweet dog to jump into my arms and give me kisses or just hearing those sweet paws running from one side of the house to the other was one of the hardest things.  My heart was breaking.  Tucker taught me how to love someone so unlike me.  How to care about someone to the extreme.  How to discipline while still loving.

Tucker was the hardest foster I have had so far.  But some of the harder times in life define you.  Getting through the hard times with Tucker is just like getting through a difficult time in life.  You learn who you are.  You learn how strong you really are.  You learn how much you can handle.  You learn that God doesn't give you more than you can handle.  And you learn that there was a reason you were chosen by God to face these times.

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