Friday, July 6, 2012

Customer Service 101

After working for companies that hold customer service as a top priority, it really gets under my skin when the basic fundamentals are missed.  Prime example: this morning I went through the McDonald's drive thru to get my daily sweet tea.  Yes, I'm addicted, but that's for another post!  As I waited in this long line of cars, I was tempted to get out of line.  But knowing I needed some sweet tea to get me going today, I attempted to patiently wait it out.  Finally, it was my turn to order.  She politely asked what I would like.  I told her and she gave me my total.  I was in good spirits.  Even if I had to wait forever, at least they were polite to me!  Then I get to the window to give them my money.  The guy at the window didn't speak.  He reached out his hand for my money.  I handed it over and I was a penny over.  I politely told him to keep the penny.  He still continued to not speak.  I had no way of knowing if he even heard me.  Since he still wasn't making an effort to communicate, I moved on to the next window to get my sweet tea.  Thank goodness the girl at this window was beyond nice.  The only was nasty tea.

Okay, so the employees at the beginning and end did well, but the guy in the middle, by his lack of customer service, put me in a bad mood.  Two big things to customer service...SMILE and COMMUNICATE.  Doesn't seem that hard, does it?  Just by smiling to acknowledge that I'm present would have put me in a good mood.  And then just say "hi".  Or even if you're in a rush, still repeat to me how much I owe.  Then always say "thank you".  I know from experience....not from working at McDonald's, but in other areas of customer service....that it's not that difficult.  And people can actually make your day better if you're just nice. 

So there you go!  My two free customer service tips for today: SMILE and COMMUNICATE!!! 


  1. I did work at McDonald's many moons ago. Even as a teenager, I think I had better sense than to treat people like that. It's not that difficult to be nice and use good manners!
