Thursday, July 5, 2012

New Artists Bringing Traditional Country Back

I love when new artists come out and are just about a country as they can be.  And they embrace that old school country sound.  There's nothing better to listen to than that!  I have a list of several artists that I think are doing just that.


Yes, I know...I'm a bit partial.  He is my favorite, but what he does to introduce his fans to music from Merle Haggard and Keith Whitley is amazing.  He doesn't try to sugarcoat what a real country artist he is.  If it's country, he's gonna sing it.  If it's not, by the time he sings it, it will be!  His career isn't based on what will be the best radio friendly song, it's based on what he feels is good country music.  If you need some good traditional country music to listen to, go buy every single one of his albums.  I can guarantee that you won't be disappointed!

Check out this video for She Only Smoke's When She Drinks.  If that's not country, I don't know what is!


Chris Young knows how to bring traditional country back.  He does it without even thinking.  That voice can deliver a flawless performance of about any song.  And he can sure melt a girls heart when he sings some Keith Whitley.  He's a young artist that the younger generation of country fans love and he's showing them what real traditional country music is all about!

The perfect example....his song Tomorrow.


For whatever reason, after his first single, radio hasn't stayed with this artist as much as I would like.  And that's sad.  Because he's COUNTRY.  There's nothing about him that isn't country.  I think even Hank Jr. said it himself that Josh is what country is all about.  He doesn't just sing the songs, he lives them.  Every performance can make you feel like you're listening to his story.  Just the true grit of an average American working hard to get what they deserve. 

Doesn't this song "Way Out Here" make you feel like Josh lived the life and is actually singing about his experiences?


Yes, I know what you're thinking....why did I add Scotty in this list?!  Well, let's face it.  He loves traditional country.  But what I love about Scotty is that by staying true to who he is as an artist, a whole new generation of music listeners are finding out what traditional country is all about.  Young girls that are flocking to him because they think he's "so cute" are actually getting a music history lesson. 

You have to admit, even in the song "Trouble With Girls", he's through and through country.


Okay, this guy might not have the look of a traditional country artist, but holy smokes, he's amazing!  If you haven't bought a CD from Trent Tomlinson, you're majorly missing out.  Yes, at his concerts, he can take you from a rap song to a pure traditional country ballad, but he does it so well.  And you feel like you were at the best country concert you've ever been to.  This guy knows how to make traditional country music rock!

To me, this is one classic traditional country song..."Just Might Have Her Radio On".

So there you have it.  My list of artists that are doing their part to bring traditional country music back!  And thank goodness for them!!!

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