Thursday, July 5, 2012

Proverbs 4:23

I guess I needed a Bible lesson today.  Because right after that last post, I received another daily devotional that spoke to me so loud and clear and I wanted to share it.

"Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts." ~ Proverbs 4:23
What's so crazy about this verse is that I just had a conversation with a friend the other night about how thoughts can affect an outcome.  He said to think and dwell upon happy thoughts and you'll be a more positive person.  And it's true.  I've been doing that the last few days and wow...I'm surprised how much happier I've become.  I have something coming up in my life that I never even thought I'd get a call about.  But I did.  If I were to think I wasn't a good fit for this or that I couldn't do all that would be asked of me, I'm putting negative thoughts into it and it probably won't happen.  But if I look at it as if I was called because I was qualified and because they think I could do the tasks, I can see the positive.  If I keep looking at the positives in it, I could will this into happening by the power of positive thinking.  I can't sell myself short.  I have to realize that I am capable of handling great things in my life and by thinking positive, great things will come to me!

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