Tuesday, July 24, 2012

How Hard Is It To Just Be Nice?

I try hard not to get too upset with people, but tonight, I just couldn't help it.  As I'm in the Kroger parking lot, I'm stopped where it says STOP on the pavement.  There are people walking across the crosswalk and I'm patiently waiting for them when the car behind me come around me.  Okay, yes, they were trying to park and I wasn't, but how was that okay?  This is one of my biggest pet peeves.  That's not only being rude to me for her to go around me, but it's also rude to the people walking across the crosswalk.

Why are people so rude today?  Can't we go back to the days when everyone was nice to everyone?  Where's the 'please' and 'thank you' in today's society?  Where's the help your neighbor out?  (I do have good neighbors, but most people don't these days.)  Where's the being kind to people when driving?  Where's the being kind to people at stores and restaurants?  What is wrong with this country?  People are just plain rude.

I'm going to start being overly nice to people.  Not where it's a fake nice, but making sure I'm always nice.  I'm going to start taking things back to how they used to be.  Any one else want to do this too?  The more people start being nice and doing nice things for others, the faster we can take this country back to the way it used to be.  Who's willing to do this with me?

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