Saturday, July 14, 2012

One Of The Best Lines In A Song

There's one line in a song that is probably one of the best lines ever.  It comes from Taylor Swift's song Ours.  
"People throw rocks at things that shine"
It's true!  Some people can't stand for someone else's life to being going well while theirs isn't.  So what do they do about it?  They talk bad about them.  Sometimes to their face or sometimes behind their back.  They make life at work difficult for them.  Making sure they don't get a raise or a promotion or even the acknowledgement for a major project they did.  No matter what, people try to bring people down.  They try to make them look bad.  They try to dull their shine.  

Why do people do this?  I think it's because they have their own insecurities.  They want to look the best and if they can't, they want to make someone else look bad so it makes them look better.  They can't find happiness within themselves.  

So how do we avoid getting hurt by these people?  We have to know who we are.  We have to be prepared for these people.  They are everywhere and in every job and in every situation in life.  We have to be happy with ourselves.  We have to know who we are.  We have to know exactly what we want in life.  We have to know our boundaries.  We have to know our morals.  We have to know how far we will let someone push us before we say enough is enough.  We can't let our shine be dimmed by their insecurities.  

Make sure you're shinning so brightly that it makes these people look away and not attempt to throw rocks at you!

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