Sunday, July 22, 2012

Philippians 4:6

Do you worry like I do?  I'm constantly worrying about things that I can't control.  Things like, how is someone going to feel if I say something they don't like or is the boogie man going to break in at night and harm me or is my house is going to catch on fire when I'm not there and my poor dog will be stuck or if my job can handle things if I have to go to a doctors appointment or if I'll have enough money to take a vacation or better yet, enough money to pay every bill I have.  Yes, I worry way too much.  And it's obvious.  But if I can learn to heed this verse, my life will be so much better!
"Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." ~ Philippians 4:6
Think about that.  If we give all our worries over to God, He lets what should happen happen.  We don't need to worry about it.  If I'm worried that someone won't like what I have to say, let me take that worry to God and not keep worrying about it.  If I'm afraid the boogie man is going to break in, let me pray about it and let God protect me....and maybe get an alarm system!  That's just it.  If I'm worried I shouldn't dwell on it.  I should give it over to God and let him protect me from those things.  This is what He wants from us.  It shouldn't be that hard to do either.  Just pray and believe that God will protect you.

This is my struggle.  And I'm going to focus on giving my worries to the Lord instead of letting my worries rule my life.  I hope you can do the same thing!


  1. Hey Michelle! These past few weeks Phillipians 4:6-7 has come into my mind more than a few times!! I love that verse 7 follows with (my rough memorie version) "And the peace of God, which transends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ!" Once we give it to God (and we have to be specific) and really mean it, with the thanks in knowing it's in His hands, that is when the miracle happens! I am starting my day before I get outa bed "Lord, this day is yours, I give you all my worries, troubles, and obsticles for you to deliver me from today! Amen!!" Then that weight is off my shoulders until the next obsticle! Love ya girl! -Jennifer

  2. Love that! I've been struggling with worrying for a long time. This verse speaks so loud and clear to me and the next verse too! It's like a weight is off my shoulders. I know that God is going to protect me in His way. It may not be how I want to be protected, but He knows what is best for me.
