Saturday, July 21, 2012

Yard Sale Saturday

It's Saturday again!!!  And it didn't rain!  This means that I got some yard sales in today.  However, we had a hard time this morning finding good stuff at good prices.  But I did find some things!  See....

Yeah...this is way out dated.  But it was free.  And this front thing is falling off anyway. 

 But look at the back of it.  Soooo many possibilities that I could do with it!!

You think I had an obsession with hearts today?!

That was my yard sale adventures today!  I can't wait to start painting things!!!  My house will be decorated in no time!!!  

And don't forget, I'm always open to any suggestions as to what I should do with any of my finds.  


  1. Nice finds! Much better luck than me! Sometimes I return from thrifting adventures empty-handed. I'm sure you'll do neat stuff with your loot!

  2. That stuff sells for a lot down here at the vendor booths!! You so should do some sort of medallion or somethin on the wooden thing, maybe some felt art or something!

  3. Jason, isn't it disappointing to come home empty handed??

    Jennifer, great ideas!! Thank you!!
