Friday, July 20, 2012

Remembering the Colorado Theater Victims

It's so sad when tragedies like this happen.  We are all left with so many questions.  Why would someone do this?  What was wrong with the shooter?  But really, we need to focus on the innocent people that lost their lives.  A night out just to see a movie ended in tragedy.  It just goes to show that we never know when our last moment on this earth will be.  We need to be fully prepared for where we're going to spend eternity.  And we need to be thankful for each day that God gives us here on this earth.

Earlier this year I had a good friend that was shot.  He lived.  Thank goodness!  But I remember where I was when that call came in.  It was a moment that I will never forget.  How could someone do something to such a good person?  How do you make sense of it all?

I think the lesson here is that we don't make sense of it.  You can't make sense of senseless actions.  And trying to make sense of it will only drive you crazy.  

I've been struggling with this for almost a year now.  It's taken me until today watching a news program on this Colorado shooting to realize that most of the time you just can't understand things like this and you have to just accept that it happened.  There's no need to question things.  There's no need to try to get into the mind of someone that would do something like this.  There's no need to dwell on it.  

One thing I have noticed when these tragedies happen is that family and friends of the victims don't want to talk about the suspect, but they want to focus on what an amazing person they had in their lives.  

What lesson can I learn from that?  I need to focus on the positives.  Like what a wonderful friend I have and how lucky I am to still have him in my life.  I need to forget trying to figure out why someone would do something so mean.  The focus needs to be on what a great person he is....because he is!  

Sometimes it's takes a different tragedy to realize something you've been needing to realize all along.


  1. Michelle, you said it so well! "You can't make sense of a senseless act". So true. You are one of the sweetest people that I know and I hope your doing great up in Nashville!!

  2. You are so sweet. I'm doing good! How are you doing? Next time you're up here, let me know. I'd love to see you! But sooo thankful we have a way to communicate even this far away!
