Thursday, August 23, 2012

Harsh Reality

Last week I got a phone call from a lady that heard I had a heart for Boston Terriers.  She said she worked at an animal shelter in Montgomery County where two had been surrendered by their owners.  She told me how important it was that they get adopted ASAP.  That's when I went to work spreading the message to see if anyone wanted them since I couldn't take 2 dogs into my house right then.  Wouldn't you after you saw these pictures?

This is Miles.  He's 4 years old.

This is Mugsy.  He's 9 years old.

After spreading the word, we finally found someone that had used Southern Cross Boston Terrier Rescue to find her Boston's.  She immediately called them and then she called the shelter to put them on hold until she got there.  

This is where I learned the harsh reality of this shelter.  The Montgomery County Animal Shelter is a high kill shelter.  These two dogs weren't even guaranteed 24 hours.  And not only that, but older dogs are pretty much on death row when they walk in the doors.  So poor Mugsy wouldn't have had much of a chance at all.

The most important fact to learn from this is that in situations of owner surrenders, if the shelter is over crowded, the dogs can be euthanized after the owner leaves the parking lot.  There are no guarantees that they will even get the chance to be adopted.

I called to check on how it had gone getting them out of the shelter.  The lady got there to pick them up and was told that Mugsy was in a food prep area.  However, when she saw him, he had just had a square of hair shaved off his back. Even though they knew she was coming to get them, it looks like they were starting the process to euthanize him.  

This is the harsh reality of high kill shelters.  And this is what's happening every single day.  So if you have a heart and the resources to help out those dogs in need, please do.  These innocent dogs deserve a chance at life.  

And if you're interested in adopting Miles or Mugsy, you can reach out to Southern Cross Boston Terrier Rescue.  Miles is in good heath and Mugsy has a thyroid problem, but his medicine is only $4 a month.  She said they are the sweetest Boston's she's even been around!  So if you find it in your heart to want a Boston, think about adopting Miles and/or Mugsy!


  1. How horrific!! We need to get the word out about stuff like this! Wish we were up in TN right now! God Bless the lady that called you!Miss you girl!

    1. Yes, we need to get the word out. I learned a great deal more last week about this and was just crushed. Miss you too! Come to Nashville for a visit soon!

    2. Yes, we need to! I think our house may sell (fingers crossed) so we are gonna be looking to relocate somewhere soon and we definatly need to visit my mom and family!
