Friday, August 31, 2012

New Journey

Tomorrow starts a new journey in my life.  Tomorrow, I become a foster mom to a Boston Terrier.  I'm beyond excited about this.  Yes, I know it's a dog and not a child, but Boston's are like your kids!  Trust me.  I know first hand.

As excited as I am, I'm also very nervous.  What if I don't give him the love and attention he needs?  What if I don't give Daisy the love and attention she needs?  How's Daisy going to react to another dog in our house for possibly long term?  So many questions.  

All I know is that I'm overjoyed to know that this is another Boston saved.  That he's going to have life!  

His name is Frankie and he's about 5 years old.  They tell me that he's one of the most laid back Boston's and has a wonderful personality.

Since I'm new to the rescue, it was important to them that I had a Boston that was easy to start with.  I could get harder ones in the future, but for now, we are starting easy!

I go tomorrow to pick up Frankie and I'm sooo excited.

But here's the hard part.  After I get attached and love having in my house (I pray it all goes well), I will have to part with him if some family wants to adopt him.  But that's just how it goes with being a foster mom!  You're only in their lives for a short amount of time before they go to their forever family!

So if you or anyone you know wants to adopt a Boston Terrier, please go fill out the application at Southern Cross Boston Terrier Rescue.  

I promise to post pictures as soon as I have a free moment.  But please pray for me on this new journey.  And please pray for Daisy on this journey too.

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