Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Dog Counselor

After watching show after show of the Dog Whisperer, I knew that taking my Daisy Mae down to Pet Co or Pet Smart wouldn't fix the problems that we have.  Our problems are at home and I needed a trainer to come into my home...into her territory...and help me learn what I'm doing wrong.  After searching for a while, I asked my Facebook friends if they would recommend anyone.  Luckily Donna had used Dean, The Dog Counselor, before and told me how wonderful he was.  Of course I had to check out his website first.  The Dog Counselor  I was impressed.  So I called him.  The phone conversation put me at ease.  I could instantly tell that he knew what he was doing.

Yesterday got here and I started to get all nervous.  What we he going to say to me?  I'm going to be in more trouble than Daisy is.  I've been doing things all wrong, haven't I?  She's smart and can pick up anything.  But I just knew he was going to be hard on me for what I've done or well, haven't done.

It was such a pleasant surprise when Dean got here.  He saw in the first 5 minutes what happens when someone comes in my house.  Daisy is all over them.  He started right then showing her who was boss.  We sat and talked about what I wanted to see corrected.  While we were talking, he was also observing everything Daisy did.  Then he said it....what every dog owner doesn't want to hear.  The biggest problem is that Daisy lacks direction and discipline.  I knew it was about to get hard on me.

Then, he gave the analogy that when your in a restaurant and you can tell a kid gets away with everything because you observe the parents not disciplining them.  Well, that's what I was doing with Daisy.  She was a spoiled brat because I wasn't disciplining her.  That hit me like a ton of bricks.  I never saw the connection between a kid and a dog and how you discipline them.  But it's so true.  My dog was the bratty kid that no one likes to be around.  

He also observed that Daisy isn't a natural born leader.  I always thought she was.  He said that she's looking to me for direction, but because I'm not giving it to her the correct way, she thinks she has to step up and show people that she's in charge.  She thinks she has to protect me because I won't protect myself.  Wow..  Talk about a wake up call.

So the training began.  I learned that I have to show her who is boss.  I have to use a "mean" voice for her to know that I mean business.  And that it's okay.  I'm not hurting her feelings because she doesn't have feeling like you and me.  I'm just stepping up and showing her that I'm in charge and that she's going to do things in my house like I want and not just what she wants.  He had immediate results with her.  I thought I couldn't get that lucky.  But as he started working with me, it became more and more easy to learn.  And pretty much instantly, she stared minding me!  It was like I had a different dog.  A dog more at peace.  A house more at peace.

Since Dean left, I've been working with Daisy on little things.  She's still stubborn, but I'm learning not to back down from her.  I'm learning to stand my ground and tell her that I'm the boss of this house, not her.

We went for a short car ride today and I made her sit in the passenger seat and not on my lap. You tell me, doesn't this look like a content dog to you?!  First time ever!!!!  

Now I just have to have visitors come on routine basis so we can work on how to treat other people right.  But I think we have a good start!  And I'm absolutely pleased with Dean's work.  If you ever need someone to help you in the Nashville area, call The Dog Counselor!!!  It's well worth it!

And I also want to apologize to any of my friends and family who have had to deal with her behavior in the past.  I think you all will be surprised to see how much better she is now!

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