Sunday, September 23, 2012

Yard Sale Saturday - Goodbye Chico - Hello "Sissy"

Wow!  This has with been such a crazy week.  Time to feel you in on everything.  But let's start with my yard sales finds from yesterday.  I didn't get too much in this weekend.  Only one yard sale and one estate sale.  But I did still get a few good things!!

Let's break it down....

Here's some cute wooden bookends for $1.

The big vase was 50 cents and the 2 small vases were 25 cents each. 

Picture frames for 25 cents each. 

4 square cork boards for 25 cents each.  A total of $1. 

Two large pieces of lace for $1 each.

Paint brushes and a scraper!  25 cents each.

A cute little clay pot for 50 cents.

I love tin plates!  And only 25 cents!! 

A cute little lamp that just needs a shade.  Bought this for $1.50. 

So there were my yard sale finds from yesterday.

Now, onto my fostering.  

I got a call early on Friday from Bo's (Sai) adopted mom.  She said that she was way too attached to him and couldn't handle the thought of giving him up.  This made my heart jump for joy!!!  I knew this family was the perfect match for Sai when I left him with them.  I'm just so glad they realized it!  She's going to get him into training classes and have someone work with them on the weekends.  She's really becoming a wonderful dog mom!!

Not knowing if Sai was coming back to me, arrangements were made to put Chico into another foster home.  Of course, on the last few days, Daisy and Chico became friends!  They would play and play and play together.  They kept sharing the same toy and trying to take it from each other.  It was sooo cute!!  It was hard to see him go.  But he's in a great home with Bill and Gayle.  Here's some pictures of the last few days with Chico.

Little Chico looking out the door.

Me, Chico and Daisy looking out the door. 

Chico and Daisy playing with the same toy.

Since Chico wasn't with me and Sai didn't come back to me, I was the first person they thought of when a new little girl was coming in.  I was told that she was left at a shelter in the drop pin in Manchester, TN.  She's around 4 year old and they didn't expect her to be in good shape at all.  We also heard that she was severely under weight.  Here was the first picture I received of her:

Several people told me to get ready because she might be heartworm positive and have a ton of health issues.

Wyndi and Sherry picked her up from the shelter and took her to their vet.  They got AMAZING news!!  She was healthy.  No mange!!  The biggest  problem she has is that she is extremely malnourished.  She weighs 11 pounds and needs to be about the size of Daisy...14 pounds.  So she has a little way to go, but we're going to get there!

I picked her up from Wyndi and Sherry Saturday afternoon.  The name the shelter gave her was "Sissy".  The first thing they said to me was "please change her name".  I was so glad!  She didn't look like a Sissy.  

I'm still not 100% what I'm going to name her.  She's a little feisty thing, but as sweet as she can be.  You can tell in the next pictures just how malnourished she is.

That's Daisy on the left and little girl on the right.  Can you see how underweight she is?

That's little girl in front and Daisy behind her.  Someday she'll be the size of Daisy! 

 Look at this sweet little face!!!

So there's the latest!  Any advice for what to name this little girl?  I need ideas!!!

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