Saturday, November 10, 2012

And Here's Buddy...

Sorry that there have been no updates since I got this super cute little guy.  He's been keeping me a bit busy.  This is the youngest foster I've had and boy is he a handful!  He's on the go from morning till night.

The only issues I've had with Buddy are when he's around Daisy.  He's overly obsessed with her.  But think about it.  He came from a puppy mill/backyard breeder.  This means that his only purpose in life was to mate.  Even though he's been neutered, it still takes up to 30 days for the testosterone to die down.  So I'm having to keep him away from Daisy as much as I can since she's scared to death of him when he comes at her.

The first night went well.  The second night....yeah....I was beyond ready to pull out my hair. He whined and barked all night long while he was in the crate.  

That's when I reached out for advice from other members of Southern Cross.  I was given the advice of a "calm collar".  Why not give it a try!  Then I was also given the advice to tether his leash to my bed frame so he couldn't go after Daisy, but so that he wasn't in the crate and was next to me the whole night.

I don't know if it was the combination of both or what, but it worked like a charm!  This dog slept so good that he was snoring so loud!

He even took Daisy's dog bed and well....folded it over and slept on top of it....

Who says you have to sleep IN the bed anyways?!

I can tell he's all puppy because he LOVES to play.  He's always grabbing toys and playing for a few minutes with them before he moves to the next.  He has an obsession with trying to take my phone and chew on it!  He's gone through my mail and my purse and even tried to take my flip flops!

But with all that being said, he's so eager to learn.  He only wants to please you. 

When he meets new people, he crawls to them because he's learning if he can trust them or not.  But he's very gentle and sweet to everyone he meets.

It's funny to watch this little guy.  When he first got here, it was obvious that he had never seen or used stairs.  He finally has that mastered.  And well, the couch....even though he's big enough to jump on it, he does this climb and always seems to need help getting the rest of the way up.

And tonight he's finally discovered how to sleep on the pillows on the couch!  Isn't he the cutest thing you ever did see?!

His bio should be going up on Petfinder tonight.  He's available for adoption through Southern Cross Boston Terrier Rescue for a fee of $300.  An application must be filled out and a home visit will have to be completed.  

Here's a few more pictures of Buddy:

To see more pictures, search Instagram for #southerncrossbtr.

This little guy is my biggest challenge yet, but I'm learning more from him than I have through any others so far.  Buddy will always hold a special place in my heart!!

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