Monday, November 5, 2012

Sadie Lou Update

It's been awhile, but I do have an update on Sadie Lou.  She went to Indiana with our Southern Cross Boston Terrier President, Linda.  There she was to see her doctor and have the knee surgery that she needed.  I received this letter from Linda last week:

Sadie did see my vet Monday and she did not have to have the patella surgery. Dr. G did x-ray of hips, pelvis and knees. She has had a pelvic fracture which was left to heal and the bone is rotated in causing the thigh bone to be pushed (bowed) out. He could not even feel her kneecaps, on the x-ray you can see that they are up on the thigh bones and attached to the bone. All this is what is causing her to be bow-legged and walk stiff legged. None of this is giving her any pain or difficulty and therefore Dr's opinion is that going in and trying to correct anything is going to give her real problems at 6 1/2 yrs old. Said if he had to guess he would say she has probably been hit by a car and it's been sometime back. She does need to put on a couple pounds and we are working on that. She is a true sweetheart and when she jumps up in your lap she quick like a rabbit and floats through the air like a feather  :)  She will be going back to Michelle as soon as we can arrange and I know Michelle can't wait.
Not exactly the results we were hoping for, but it's so good to know that she's not in pain from it.  It saddens me to think someone didn't care for her properly and never took her in after being hit by a car.  My heart breaks to think of all the horrible times she's gone through.  But I can rejoice knowing that she is beyond happy now.  Whether she's with me or with Linda or with whoever her forever family will be.  She's just the sweetest little Boston I've ever been around.

The family that was interested in her did some hard thinking and decided that Sadie might not be best for their family since there would be no surgery done.  They weren't prepared to deal with the possibilities of hard times with her joints in the future.  They also didn't think she was 6 1/2 years old and were hoping for a younger Boston.

What does all that mean?  Sadie Lou will be back up for adoption soon.  So if you know anyone that would be interested in her, please let me know.  I will be extremely picky in finding her forever family.  She deserves the best and that's what she is going to get!  With that said, she will effortlessly fit into pretty much any family.  Just be prepared for plenty of snuggles!!!!

And to answer the question of when will Sadie Lou be coming back to me?  Well, the plan was for her to come back to me yesterday, but that changed.  Our rescue has gotten an extreme amount of Boston's needing foster homes within the past week.  Since we have several approved applications, I was asked to take in a little guy and get him house trained and he will hopefully soon have a forever family!  So I'd say that I should have Sadie back in a month...unless Linda falls in love and decides to keep her!

I also want to mention one thing.  Southern Cross Boston Terrier Rescue is always in need of foster homes.  If you have ever wanted to try fostering, please consider it.  And please fill out an application on the Southern Cross Boston Terrier Rescue Website.  If you have any questions about fostering, please please please ask.  I will tell you any and everything I can.  This is one of the most rewarding things I have ever done.

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