Monday, September 30, 2013

The October 31 Day Challange

Every October, bloggers are issued this challenge:
Blog every single day in the month of October about a particular topic.
Bloggers blog about anything.  From 31 days of DIY projects to Pinterest recipes to Disney World tips to favorite vacation spots to finding happiness to living in patience to becoming themselves.

I thought long and hard.  What would I want to write about for 31 days?  What have I learned this year?  What has happened this year that's shaped me into who I am?  The good, the bad and the in between.

So there it was...not necessarily what I've learned THIS year, but what my LIFE has taught me so far and what I continue to learn.

Sometimes I think it's good to go back and realize how you got to where you are today.  That's exactly what I plan to do for the next 31 days.

Feel free to join me on this journey.  Give me feedback.  Tell me how your life has been changed too.

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