Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Day 1: The Past Can Hurt You...If You Let It

It's true.  The past can hurt you but only if you let it.

For years, I let my past hurt me.  I even let it define me.  I was miserable.  I didn't know who I was.  I wasn't happy.  I thought I was worthless.  I thought I couldn't amount to anything.  I let my past make me out to be the victim.

This year, I came to terms with my past.  I faced my fears head on. Was it scary?  Absolutely.  It was the scariest thing I've ever done.  

But it made me so much stronger.  I no longer live in fear.  I have faced the fact that only I can hold myself back.  No one else can.  I'm my own stumbling block.  

Because of my fears to move forward in life for so long, I was my own worst enemy.  

I didn't like myself.  I don't even think I loved myself.  I didn't think I was good enough for anyone.  What guy would want me?  I'm not pretty enough.  I'm not smart enough.  I don't have a good job.  I can't do things on my own.  I can't make a decision to save my life.  And if I do, I'm pretty sure it's going to be wrong.

Well guess what?  When I realized it was ME that was telling myself this, I stopped.  I started telling myself that I could.  I'm smart.  I'm pretty.  I have a good job.  I can do things on my own.  I can make a decision and who cares if someone doesn't like it.  I'm ME and I love me.  I even think some guy is going to be pretty happy to have me in their life someday.  

I quit letting my past hurt me.  And I'm so grateful that I did!

What about you?  Are you letting your past define you?  Have you looked inside and realized just how wonderful you are?  Are you truly happy with you?!

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  1. Hey....long time no see!!! Wonderful to read this.....we really need to get together soon. Life has just been crazy, upside down, busy here lately!

    1. I completely agree. I can't do anything this weekend. It'll probably have to be the following before I can do anything. Let me know and we'll plan something!!

  2. How on time is this! This really seems to be the season for discovering who we really are! I'm so proud of you for facing this and posting this for us to see. I have definitely let my past dictate my future. I'm truly blessed but I am still running after the same dream I had years ago. My life has changed since then and so have my priorities...so it's ok for my dreams to change as well. I really do need to reassess myself...count the good as good and truly believe that I still have days ahead that are even better than the days in my past.

    1. MONIQUE!!!! I miss you soooo much!!! And that's right. Dreams can change. And isn't it amazing how as we get older and life changes that our dreams do change?! And usually for the better?! God has so much still in store for us!
