Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Day 2: Beautiful Beginnings

This year I had the joy of going to the first ever MiA Bath and Body Beautiful Beginnings weekend in Salt Lake City, UT.  I learned so much in those few days.  But what I learned far exceeded their product line.  I learned about me.

Above is a picture of my favorite quote of the weekend.  Stephanie Appleton, founder of MiA Bath and Body, couldn't have said it any better.  Every caterpillar turns into a butterfly.  Think about it.  Are caterpillar's beautiful?  Not at all.  But butterflies?  Absolutely!  And look how gracefully they fly through the air.

The ugly goes a away and makes way for a beautiful new life.

This quote was so fitting to my life.  I feel like for years that I was that ugly caterpillar.  I spent way too long living depressed, feeling ugly, feeling defined by those around me, feeling discouraged, feeling not good enough.

After facing my biggest fear, I feel like my world was opened up.  I feel like I became that butterfly.  I feel like I gracefully fly through life now.  Well....maybe graceful isn't the best word....I don't do too much that gracefully!  Ha!  But I digress.  I feel like that butterfly that everyone notices for the right reasons.

The days of excuses are over.  The days of depression are over.  The days of feeling like a failure are over.  The days of not feeling good enough for anyone are over.

The new me has emerged.  And I'm stronger than I've ever been.  I'm happier than I've ever been.  I'm more me than I've ever been!

Have you had your own journey from a caterpillar to a butterfly?  How does it feel?  Are you as happy with life as I am?

31 Days
Day 1: The Past Can Hurt You...If You Let It

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  1. Michelle you are such an awesome person. When I think of loving people and friendship you are the first person that comes to mind. You accepted me for who I was from day 1. You gave me confidence to be myself. I remember how you didn't let me and my ways influence you to do things you didn't want to do (I remember numerous times drinking around you and you never gave in!). I think I'm on my journey from caterpillar to butterfly right now. I'm excited to see where this goes!

    1. Yay!!! Let's talk through this journey. Let's do this together!! You are one of the best friends I have ever had. I know it's hard to always stay in touch and keep up with each other in our busy lives, but I know that our friendship always picks back up right where we left it! I'm so grateful that God put you in my life so many years ago!
