Sunday, April 13, 2014

Every Day I Will Wake Up and Tell Myself This...Until I Believe It!

That's right.  I will wake up every morning and recite this Dr. Seuss quote.


Because it really doesn't matter what people think of me.  I am who I am.  I'm going to be who I'm going to be.  I don't want to be changed by people.  And I'm tired of letting them change me.  So today it starts.  This quote will be on my desk at work.  This quote will be in my house.  And every single day I will tell this to myself until I 100% believe it.

See, I made a decision lately to do what's best for me...not what's best for everyone else.  I FINALLY (after years and years and years) put myself first.  At work, I decided that I wasn't going to tip share anymore.  What I make is mine.  What they make is theirs...unless they choose to continue to tip share.  Turns out, people who pretended to be my friends just because I could produce more money than they could have decided to turn on me.  They are making everything fall on me.  Every single decision that my management makes is being blamed on me.  And it's kind of funny because I'm not even in management.  

It's hurt bad.  I've had to do a lot of soul searching to realize that it's not my fault that they are treating me this way.  Because I finally stand up for myself, I shouldn't be treated like dirt.

I have one friend that always tells it to me like it is.  His words hit hard, but they are needed.  I become a better person by listening to him and trying to have the courage to be as strong as he is and not care what others think.  It was hard hearing some of his words last night, but I needed it.  I needed to step into action and realize that it doesn't matter what people think of me.  Just show up, do my job, be nice and polite and go home.  Enjoy it.  Be me.  And don't care what attitude they want to give me.  They don't define me.  I define myself.

I saw this quote this morning and it hit hard with what's been going on.  But it's the truth.

I've had a lot of people pretend to be my friends over the years, but they deny me my self worth.  They deny me my individuality.  They deny me my uniqueness.  They deny me ME.

This one is right on too.  You will be stuck if you allow yourself to care what others think.  And I've done this for way too long.  It's time to stop.  I don't want to be a prisoner to anyone.  I want to be free.  I want to be free to be me!

These other quotes really hit home too.

I'm ready to set myself free.  I'm ready to be me.  A change is me is starting and it's starting right now.

Dr. Seuss was one wise guy!  And this quote will be my motto.  I will commit to remembering this daily!

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