Thursday, May 22, 2014

Where Is Daisy Hiding?

This seems to be the question most often in my house now.  

See, I found that my little munchkin loves...not even just likes, but new bed.  I don't know if it's the new mattress.  Or the height of the bed.  Or that it sits close to the window and she can look out all day.  Or what!  But Daisy Mae is obsessed.  

For the last few nights, I've noticed that it's really quiet.  She's upstairs and I don't hear a sound from her.  When I walk up the stairs i look on the bed and don't see her.  I check in her dog bed, not there either.  Unsure of where she is, I ask "Daisy, where are you?"  To which I get these answers.

Stay tuned for the next installment of "Where's Daisy?"

P.S. - Bedroom pictures to come soon.  Finishing up on decorating!

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