Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Through The Eyes of Buddy

After spending almost a week with Buddy now, it's made me really put into perspective how he is seeing the world.  Half of what he is experiencing is the first time he's ever experienced it.  Things other dogs that have been loved have experienced.  Things like a couch, toys, stairs, a dog bed, plenty of water, being showed love, feeling safe and secure, having a roof over his head, hearing a microwave, hearing the washing machine and dryer, seeing himself in a mirror, seeing a TV, and having freedom.

He's picking up on things so fast.  Learning that someone can love him and keep him safe.  To think that over a week ago, he must have been scared to death not knowing where he would get his next meal from or who would harm him.

I can't imagine what that would feel like.  To live with no shelter over your head...no wonder he doesn't want to be out in the rain anymore.  To not know if you're going to get water or not.  That's why he's constantly wanting to drink more.  To not know if the next person coming to see you is going to harm you.  That's why he crawls and is timid when meeting new people.

Buddy has come a very long way in a very short amount of time.  He's beginning to trust and know what some freedom is.  I think I'm the only person that has seen his crazy fun personality, but I think he'll start showing that with others soon....once he realizes that other people aren't out to harm him either.

He's made me really take note of the simple things in life and enjoy them for what they are.  So many life lessons have been learned in just a week....for me!  And I know that more lessons will continue to be learned the longer he's with me.

I do think God even puts dogs in your life at a certain time for certain reasons.  I am truly blessed that He chose me to foster Buddy.  

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