Saturday, August 4, 2012

Yard Sale Saturday

I almost think I should have titled this ESTATE sale Saturday.  I did something a little different today.  Since I've really been enjoying estate sales lately, I found all the estate sales nearby and decided I would focus on that today.  I did make it to one yard sale though.

Lesson I learned today:  If you go into a rich part of town, expect to pay a high price for any and every item.  

What did that mean for me?  My first 2 stops were priced way out of what I was willing to pay.  It was beyond discouraging thinking I would come home with nothing.  That's when we got back to a side of town that priced things low enough that I could afford them!  And then, it happened!  I started finding stuff!  It turned out to be one successful day!

As always, please give me any advice you have on what I could do with any of my finds!

Check out this piece I got.  A little bit of paint and a new handle on the the drawer and this should look amazing!!!  This was $20, but since this was the last day of the estate sale, it was 60% off.  So yes, I got it for $8.

Then I found this chair.  You might just get a splinter if you sit in it, but I have a great idea for it!  You'll just have to wait and see!  The guy tried to get me to pay $10 for it and then brought it down to $8.  As I was walking away, he said $5.  So I bought it!

How cool is this old table?!  And it has Hidden Mickey's on each side!!  Of course, it needs a fresh coat of paint too!  And it was just $5.

This shelf is really long.  Good sturdy wood shelf.  And I only paid $2.50!

I love lazy susan's and well, most people do too.  So a fresh coat of paint and it's perfect for me or for a gift!  And it was only 50 cents!!

Okay, I know what you're thinking....this is ugly.  But ya gotta see the diamond under the ugly!  Without the plastic fruit and the ribbon, it just needs a cute saying and it's prefect for the wall.  It was half price, so I only paid 50 cents for this too.

Yes, you are seeing things right.  That is actually GREEN toilet paper.  However, for 50 cents, I got a really great little crate.  Just gotta get rid of all this beautifulness (can you sense the sarcasm?!) and it'll be perfect!  Anyone want a roll of green toilet paper?!?!  I'll be glad to give it away! 

My mom was checking out the Goodwill today and everything was half price.  She called to tell me she thought I would love this magazine rack.  She was right!  How cute is this?!?!  We paid $2.50 for it.  Wish we could have paid less, but that's still not bad at all!

So there you have it!  There are my yard sale finds for today.  I'm ready for your ideas!!


  1. so many little time! LOL You really did find some great stuff. Whatever happened to that $3 find you had under the blue tarp? Inquiring minds want to know...hehehe
    (Really, I'd love to go to yard sales with ya, if only we lived closer than the Ozarks Mountains...oh well, keep up the good work, I'm loving your blog!) ~ Aunt Marcia ~

  2. That dresser will be ready to show in hopefully a few days! I'm working on finishing it up now! And yes, we would have so much going to yard sales! Maybe one of these days I'll be over your way!
