Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Life With Two Dogs

I'm so sorry I haven't blogged in a while.  Life has been a bit busy.  As you know, I have a new foster dog, Bo.  He's awesome, but living with two dogs can completely take up all of your time.

I'm lucky that the Daisy Mae and Bo don't hate each other, but they don't exactly like each other either.  Daisy is scared of Bo because his so much bigger.  Bo is 25 pounds and Daisy Mae is 13 pounds.  Quite a big difference.  Bo doesn't like for Daisy to get attention and will just come on in for his attention when he wants and well, he just pushes Daisy right out of the way.  I can get them to walk well together, but getting out the door or back in the door is the hard part.  If Bo's in the house, Daisy doesn't want to go in.  If Bo's ready to go for a walk, Daisy doesn't want to go with him.  She'll sit on the stairs and shake.  I can even have Bo on the other side of the room sitting and staying and she will still sit on the stairs and shake like she's going to get hurt.

The mornings are sooo difficult.  Bo and Daisy will sleep and sleep and sleep.  They love to stay under the covers just a sleeping.  It's hard to get them going.  And then when I do get them going, they want to take their precious time with everything.  They eat slow and they walk slow and everything they do in the morning is slow.  And I just need to get to work!  Is God preparing me for kids?  Because before I even got to work, I felt like I had ran a marathon.

I keep getting frustrated.  Then I get mad at myself for getting frustrated.  I should just have patience, shouldn't I? 

Anyone else have issues like that?  What do you do about it?  I'm looking for any advice I can get.  They are both sweet as can be, but it's extremely hard with both of them.

You know I can't write a post about these cuties and not add some pictures, so here you go!

Here's the cutie himself, Bo!

Cheerio's will make both of them sit and stay! 

My mom got this chair from Goodwill on Saturday and brought it in the house right after Bo got there.  He's claimed this as his chair.  And he LOVES to hoard toys on it. 

This is sleepy head.  He made himself his own pallet at the end of my bed.  I just covered him up a little more! 

Don't you want to adopt this precious little guy?! 

Don't forget that Bo is still up for adoption.  All you have to do is go to the Southern Cross Boston Terrier Rescue website and fill out an application.  His adoption fee is $300.  He would make an amazing dog for someone!  If Daisy wasn't so scared of him, I'd want to keep him!


  1. He really is cute! I think you just have to have patience and go with the flow. I know it's hard sometimes to get two dogs to cooperate at the same time and I know it's frustrating when you're in a hurry in the morning and they couldn't care less! They will probably start getting along with each other about the time Bo finds a forever home. :) You really can't expect Daisy to love that she has to share her home with someone new, especially when she doesn't understand that he's only there temporarily. She is probably really confused! But at least they aren't fighting!

    1. Thank you April. I need to just relax and be so thankful they aren't fighting. And maybe getting up even earlier than normal for a good walk in the morning wouldn't hurt either. I guess a routine would be nice. Think this is God's way of preparing me for kids?! lol Thank you so much for the encouragement.
