Friday, September 7, 2012

The Benefits Of Being A Foster Mom

I decided that I would make a list of all the things I love about being a foster mom!  So here we no particular order...

1. It makes me get out of the bed earlier!

2. I feel so safe with two dogs instead of just one.

3. I get to experience how much you can love another dog!

4. There's so much joy in getting a rescue dog to trust you after who knows what they have been though.

5. I've eaten at home ALL week!  Why?!  Because I want to be here with this little guy (and my munchkin too!) as much as I can.  And saving money is nice too!

6. Since Daisy is fine with short walks, having another dog in the house gets us on longer walks!!

7. It's a life saved!

8. Boston's are just too stinkin' cute....and smart!

And now here's the reasons why I love Bo!  Yet no particular order...

1. He's adorable!!

2. He's the most laid back Boston I've ever met.

3. He gets his harness when he wants to go outside.

4. He brings me his food bowl when he's hungry....and he brings me Daisy's too!  Ha!

5. He plays dead when he doesn't want to do something...too stinkin' smart!

6. He loves to go on long walks.

7. He trust me more and more every day.

Okay what your waiting for....PICTURES!!!!!!

Bo wasn't happy that I was eating my dinner and he wasn't!

Look at that cute face!  And my little Daisy in the background. 

Yea....I gotta teach this boy some manners...and fast!
(Obviously I thought I needed a picture before I told him no!....ooops!) 

He just lays there while I eat. 

Look at that cute ear!!  So unique!

What?!?!  These two were that close to each other?!?!?!?!?!?!  So happy I snapped a picture!

This is normally what happens...

I love loving on this little guy.  He's such a good little snuggler. 

Don't you love the view from my angle?!  One on each side just a sleeping! 

So there ya have it!  My two favorite Boston's at the moment!  I'm going to miss having Bo here.  He's so special.  And with him being my first foster, I'm sure he's always going to hold a very very special place in my heart.

And by the way, let me add this...I never imagined the feeling I would have knowing how happy I am that he will be in the perfect home for him.  It's such a blessing to be apart of this adoption and watch him go to his forever family.  My heart is over joyed knowing this is the right thing for Bo, Daisy, Bo's new family and me.  I feel at peace with this and that's exciting!!! 

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