Sunday, September 9, 2012

Yard Sale Saturday and Letting Go of Bo (Sai)

Yes, yes, this is a day late.  What can I say?!  I was too busy enjoying my last day with Sai (formally known as Bo).  However, yesterday was rainy and I didn't want to be out of the house too long.  So....I only went to one estate sale.  Oh my gosh, it was amazing!!  Stuff I liked.  The woman that own the home was there and she was watching everything people took out of the house and changing her mind at the last moment if they could buy it or not.  So we had to be quick and not try to get a better deal on things like we might normally do.

I was automatically drawn to her extensive collection of cookbooks.  Not just any cookbooks, but ones from different churches, organizations and fundraisers.  This means these are home cooks recipes.  Which also means that I could probably end up with some fun new things to cook.  

As I was looking through the house, I ran into the lady's daughter.  She told me the story of the cookbooks.  Her mother used to buy a local cookbook from every vacation they took so she could see what the locals ate.  I may have to start using this idea!!

Each Cookbook was $1.

The best cookbook ever....

Oh yes, for just $1 I got a Minnie Pearl Cookbook!!!!!  This might actually be at the top of my list of favorite finds ever! 

I also got two good books.  $1 each.

I got a never been used Scrapbook for $2.

 And some cute printable invitations.  50 cents a package.  I got 3.  That's $1.50.

50 cents each for clipboards!  I see a Pinterest project coming on.

I saw this bag and realized it was stamps.  She said $3 and for a whole bag of stamps, that isn't bad.

What I didn't realize is how old these stamps are.  See... 

And check out this old ink pad!! 

That's all I got yesterday at the estate sale.  I got it all for $19.  I was pretty pleased with that.

I know my day was cut short because I wanted to spend as much time with Sai as I could.  And boy did he entertain me yesterday.  He pulled out all of Daisy's toys and had to play with every single one of them.  He actually started playing with Daisy.  Of course, it wasn't until the last day, but we'll take what we can get!

Sai was a good snuggler, but he snored really loud.  However, he's a true Boston.  They think they are human when it comes to sleeping.  See....

Today he had to play dead one last time in the middle of the parking spot for me.  So yes, I snapped a picture to remember it by!  I mean, wouldn't you?!  He LOVED to play dead when he didn't want to do something.  He obviously didn't want to go in the house!  Ha!

I enjoyed every single minute I had with Sai.  Yes, I did get a little teary eyed at the adoption today when I left.  And yes, I might have cried a little on the drive back home.  But I can't tell you enough how amazing it was to leave him with his new mom, Carrie and her son Garrett.  And as I was driving away, seeing them walking and how happy he looked, I knew this was the family Sai was meant to be in.  They say your first foster is always the hardest and I hope that's true.  All I know is that I'm beyond excited that he gets to come stay with me while his family is out of town next month.  

And I'm sure you're wondering how Daisy is taking to Sai not being here....  Well, she's in love with the new dog bed...

And she's extremely exhausted...

I think she learned from Sai how to sleep sitting up!  But she seems to be enjoying having her momma all to herself again.

I can't wait to be a foster mom again.  These dogs are amazing and to know that I'm helping to save a life makes it all worth it!

If you are interested in adopting a Boston Terrier, please think about using Southern Cross Boston Terrier Rescue.  This rescue is amazing and I'm beyond happy to be apart of it.  And if you have any questions about how the rescue works or what's it like being a foster mom, please ask!  I'd love to tell you all about it.

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