Sunday, January 6, 2013

2013 - Complete Projects

Well, it's 2013 and I have made a goal that I should be able to stick to...completing projects that I start!  Should be easy enough, right?  Well, we'll see.  Let's pray that I can do this.  The best part is that you can be my accountable partner.  Yes, that's right.  Any of you who read my blog, keep bugging me about projects you want to see completed.  

Also, if you have any suggestions for projects for me to do, please let me know.  Remember all the yard sale and estate sale items I've gotten over the last year?  Well, if there's any ideas on ways to fix them up and use them throughout my house, let me know!  I need as many projects as I can for this year so I can stay super busy!

So...I couldn't write a post and not leave you hanging for a few things, could I?

Here's what I have in the works:

So there ya go!  Has it peeked your interest at all?  Keep bugging me to finish these!

Hope you all have a very happy 2013.  Let's get to doing lots of DIY this year!!!

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