Sunday, February 3, 2013

Clark Kent aka Little Superman

There's also something magical about getting that first picture of your new foster dog that puts a big ole smile on your face.  That's exactly what happened!  They called this guy Beans.  I didn't like that name.  After I heard his story, I had a better name for him.  

He came from Metropolis, IL where he was running the streets.  He was picked up and scheduled to be euthanized within the hour when another shelter in town took him in.  That's when Southern Cross Boston Terrier Rescue got the phone call.  What's the chances of ever getting a dog from Metropolis, IL?  I had to go with a Superman name.  So I named him Clark Kent!

On a side note, the day I was going to pick him up, I saw this car...

Looks like a sign that Clark Kent aka Little Superman was the perfect name for him!

I picked the little guy up and well, he wasn't so little.  He was a TALL Boston.  But from that first few moments in the car with him, I knew he was something special.

When we got to the house, Daisy wasn't too sure about him.  She was a little standoffish.  But Clark had this special way about him.  He would just start easing into being her friend.  He would jump up on the bed next to her and lay there very calmly until she was interested in him and then he'd be off again.  Just enough to peek her interest.  He did this until she was ready to be friends with him.  Once they became friends, they were hard to separate.  Where one was, so was the other.  

This was bizarre because Daisy never lets a foster get this close to her.  He gave her so much confidence.  She's a different dog all because of him!  It's amazing.

Clark was my buddy!  He had to see me at all times.  He didn't always follow me, but he just had to know exactly where I was.

And this dog would sleep on his back!  He would be so comfortable and just all laid out.  It was quite a sight to see!

I even had friends come over for a game night and he became best friends with two of the guys.  He would quietly get up on the bench to sit right next to them before they even knew it!

Here he is with Foley and Zach:

And again with Foley:

The last morning was so hard to part with him.  Even though he liked to steal my pillow, he was the sweetest thing!

Even though Clark was having some separation anxiety problems, there was a lady in our group that had moved to FL wanted to adopt him.  She drove all the way up to Nashville from Florida to pick him up.  He's doing so well with her.  No separation anxiety anymore.  I tried to tell her that I'd take him back, but she said he was happy with her!

He was one special foster.  I miss him so very much.  He gave Daisy so much confidence and was a joy to have around.  I will miss Clark for a very long time.  But I know he's doing to do amazing things for people.  

See, part of the reason she chose Clark was because she wanted a dog to take to sick people and help rehabilitate them by having a dog around.  I know Clark was the dog for the job.  Reasons like this make it so much easier to adopt dogs out.  When you know they will do great things or strive in their new family or be loved to an extreme.  This is how you know you can let them go. 

I've been extremely blessed with all my fosters that they have gone to amazing homes.  Their families love them so much and they are doing great things for them.  God always seems to bring the right people to the right dogs! 

Bye little superman!  Momma Luella is going to give you an amazing home in the Sunshine State!

And one more thing, Clark's new name is Cooper Jackson!

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