Thursday, October 10, 2013

Day 4: You Have to Want It

One big lesson I've learned is that you, yourself, have to want to be happy!  Happiness and contentment doesn't just happen.  You have to have a desire for it.  You have to seek it out.

The world today is filled with so much negativity.  In order to have positive thoughts and positive actions, you have to put positives in your life.  That means positive quotes, positive people, positive situations.  Whatever you can put in your life that's positive, it will reflect through you.

Just in the same way that negativity can reflect through you.  

I don't know about you, but I'd rather someone see positiveness in me than negativeness any day.

For years I was around negative people all the time.  It completely affected who I was.  I became such a negative person.  I was never happy with anything in life.

It took a pretty traumatic event in my life for me to wake up and see that I needed happiness.  My friend was shot in the head.  Thankfully, he lived.  I spent days and weeks thinking about if he hadn't of lived how I would have felt so guilty.  Guilty because I didn't make time for him.  I wasn't there when he needed someone to talk to.  And when I was, I didn't have positive things to say.  I had filled my life with some of the most negative people I've ever known.  I was working at a job that continually brought me down.  I wasn't happy at all.

That one experience help me seek out positiveness in my life.  I quit my job and found a new one.  I put myself around only people I trusted.  I kept to myself a lot more than I ever had.  I did some soul searching.  I asked why this happened to him.  I tried to understand it, but I couldn't.  Even though I had taken the negative out of my life, I was wrapped up in the why's of it all.

The best thing happen when in one moment I realized that I couldn't change a thing.  I couldn't change the outcome.  I will never understand it.  I will never make sense of it.  Why?  Because you can't make sense of senselessness.  I accepted it.  I quit dwelling on it.  And I started moving forward.  I started seeing the world in a different light.

There's nothing that can be done to change what happened.  But I can choose to be grateful.  I can be extremely grateful that nothing worse happened.  I can be grateful that he's alive.  I can be grateful that God saw a reason to keep him here on this earth.

I can take this one experience and turn this into a positive thing.  Why?  Because I WANT it!  I want to be happy!!!  I want to find the joy in everything we face in life.  I want to find positiveness in all of life's adventures.

I want happy!!!

What about you?  Do you want happiness in your life?  Are you taking steps to get there?

31 Days
Day 3: Power of Positive Thinking
Day 2: Beautiful Beginnings
Day 1: The Past Can Hurt You...If You Let It

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